Welcome to PPSF

  • Summer Extended Learning program 2020
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Are you a Poughkeepsie Pioneer? An anonymous donor has promised to match every dollar donated by other alumnae/i up to a total of $15,000. Your donation is doubled, enabling us to reach $30,000! CLICK HERE Your donation can help Poughkeepsie Public School students become the leaders of tomorrow. The Poughkeepsie Public Schools Foundation is working to enrich the education of the City’s students, support their social-emotional development, and close opportunity gaps to help them pursue their academic passions in:
* Science
* Technology
* Engineering
* Arts  
* and Math

through access to

* Professionals from a range of fields
* Decision-makers and Creative thinkers
* Innovative tools and State-of-the-art equipment

Every donation counts whether you are an alum, a parent, a teacher or administrator, a friend, a sponsor, or other supporter who cares about our students, our schools, our community.

And we thank you! CLICK HERE

Poughkeepsie Public Schools Foundations provides support that enriches the education of students in the Poughkeepsie City School District (PCSD).CLICK HERE
